Prayer * 21 April 24

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your Word, Holy Spirit, fellow believers, and all people through whom you work in our lives to encourage us in body, soul, and spirit. When despair and demoralization threaten to dishearten us, please work within us. Restore, renew, and reinvigorate our lives so that we may serve you wholeheartedly and wholemindedly and may build each other up in love. You have not given us a Spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). Bind all that threatens to disillusion us and distort the blessed assurance we hold in Jesus and remove it from our lives. Go before us and prepare the way for us to build-up one another and the body of Christ. May you give us the wisdom to know the men, women, boys, and girls that you want us to encourage as you have encouraged us. Grow within us a depth of compassion for all who are lost, all who are hurting and wounded, and all who are oppressed. May you guide us into their lives to encourage them and share your love. Thank you for encouraging us when we are downcast and downtrodden. Thank you for your Son, Jesus. In His name, by power of Holy Spirit we pray. Amen.